True or Fake?

Monday 16 May 2016



Time for non-MIC members to come forward and defend the organization which is the backbone of Indian Community. Thousands can be said and done, but the future of Indians is still with MIC. MIC has been in the political scene before independence and has been the only organization that has champion the cause of Indians.

Though the party went through all the hurdles, challenges and it has it's own roller coaster ride - it's still staying strong and being relevant till today. Through MIC we attained political power and made in-roads into the mainstream of governance. In which country apart from Singapore, Indians has political power? With merely less than 10 percent of total population - we hold a significant present at all level both in public and private sectors. And one can never deny - it is the fruits of having Indian leaders within the ruling government.

Past few years the party has been branded with bad image - thanks to the disillusioned, misguiding and tireless effort by the opponents for painting it in such a way. With the emergence of many Non-Governmental Organizations which has joined the foray and played to the tune of smearing campaign drafted by opposition alligned groups it has drifted away. Added with failed attempt by many other organizations to seized MIC's popularity.

However, the party remain strong which has been tested throughout the decades has bounce back higher than before. Today MIC is leaping back to it's glory days. With almost all the top leadership filled with charismatic and visionary leaders - MIC is shining again. The future outlook of Indian community is promising and we may experience a better socio-economic condition in few years time. We can see the hunger of the leaders to serve the community. We can see the determination of the leaders to correct the life of Indians.

Unfortunately, we also seeing many other leaders especially from opposition factions try to play down and picked negativity to undo all the noble efforts by the leaders. Their objective is only to score mileage point to their political career and trying to be celebrity.

On the other hand, Indians too should stop their high dependency on handouts. It's the duty of every Indians to shape their own future. Why should depends on political parties to feed  them. Chinese don't depends on MCA or even DAP. The mentality and the attitude of Indians should change and stop pointing fingers on others especially on political parties. They can't be going around forcing people to change their mindset.

Only Malaysian Indians are backward compare with all other People of Indian Origins in other countries. Singapore doesn't have Indian base political parties and it's an open secret Chinese in Singapore has upper hand in many things. And yet Indians doing well without much socio-economic problems. Same goes to America, London and else where in the world.

Many Indians especially youths has been implicated in crime. Are we going to blame the government, the system or the MIC? Who is responsible for this? The parents and the community has to bear the brunt of the situation for lack of proper human value instilled in the young people. It is not the responsibility of any political party but by the family itself.

We should keep in mind, the day MIC lost it's power, is the day the entire Indian community will lost it's future. The oppositions do not have any specific development agenda for Indians. The biggest opposition party in the country do not recognised race base approached. The only survival and development of Indian community lies with Malaysian Indian Congress. MIC is the future of Indians.

Alex Chandran Krishnan
National Crime Prevention Network Association

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