True or Fake?

Monday 13 February 2017

Police must investigate prison detainee abuse scandal

Police must investigate prison detainee abuse  scandal

I refer to a recent police report made by Madam Pachaee A/P Pakiry on 11 February 2017 in Seberang Perai alleging that her son Chandran A/L Muniandy was beaten in custody and is now currently warded at the Seberang Jaya Hospital intensive care unit (ICU).

This heinous and irresponsible act is totally unacceptable as Malaysia has its own laws to be adhered to. We are not a lawless land where people people can act as they pleases without action being taken.

I urge the Penang Police Chief and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to investigate this serious allegation without fear or favour. The reputation of the entire police force is at stake.

I strongly condemn what happened to Mr. Chandran A/L Muniandy and wants the culprit brought to justife. No mother has to go through what Madam Pachaee A/P Packiry went through.

To take responsibility of what have happened, the Prison Director of the Sungai Jawi prison must relinquish his position to allow for an independent investigation be carried out without any obstruction.

As a responsible party, MIC will take up ths issue with the relevant authorities to ensure Madam Pachaee A/P Pakiry and her son Chandran A/L Muniandy received the justice they deserved. We will not allow this matter to be swept under the carpet.

Thank You

Dhinagaran Jayabalan
MIC CWC Member
12th February 2017

FB : /JDhinaPG

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