True or Fake?

Monday 23 January 2017

Dramasamy taunting and chasing the Chettiars

School Bully type:
Dramasamy taunting and chasing the Chettiars

Lets establish the facts:

1. No Politician or Political party has ever targeted an Indian caste by name in a public domain.

2.Ramasamy by choosing the Natukottai Chettiar community a
politically inconsequential group presumed that it was a very safe  political bet to move this Golden Chariot idea as a point to galvanize majority Hindu community if there was counter resistance.

3.Two things that Ramasamy anticipated to evolve did not happen. First he anticipated MIC to challenge him.Thus, creating him the space to politicize the chariot issue. He would have loved to have made it into a Chettiar vs the Pallar, Kallar, Pariar issue giving a decisive political mileage. Secondly the Chettiars did not respond, react in the manner in which any other temple management would have responded.Instead to avoid conflict and confrontation with Ramasamy  the Chettiar Temple management decided to change the day of their procession.

3. Fearing of being exposed  running his Golden Chariot alone along the streets of Penang, and not receiving public support, Ramasamy like a neighborhood school bully chasing the chettiar silver chariot again.


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