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Friday 31 March 2017

MIC Youth welcomes TMJ appointment as FAM president

National Mic Information
Mic Infozone

From the desk of
Dato' Sivarraajh Chandran
MIC Youth Chief

March 25, 2017


MIC Youth welcomes TMJ appointment as FAM president

MIC Youth welcomes and congragulate Tunku Ismail ibni Sultan Ibrahim for officially becoming the new Football As soc I at of Malaysia (FAM) president.

Tengku Mahkota Johor is obviously the right man to transform FAM with his determination and passion to see development in our national football.

It is also noted that TMJ in his mind had former JDT head coach Mario Gomez to become the next national team boss replacing Datuk Ong Kim Swee.

Datuk Ong Kim Swee will be going to the under-23 team for now and Mario Gomez will have his team of assistants.

We strongly believe TMJ's direction to closely monitor the national football team’s performance.

At the same time we also hope TMJ will look into and assist the Indian football associations such as Malaysian Indian Football Association (MIFA) to achieve success in football development.

We hope there will be a platform for more local Indian football teams to perform in Malaysian professional league.

Local young talents also should be tapped and groom young footballers to play for the national team and other clubs.

It is our fervent hope under TMJ's leadership, Malaysia national team should bring back it's international football glory.


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