True or Fake?

Monday 14 November 2016

MIC Batu Kawan ready to debate with Deputy Chief Minister - 2 of Penang

Press Statement
J Dhinagaran
Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)
Central Working Committee (CWC) Member

MIC Batu Kawan ready to debate with Deputy Chief Minister - 2 of Penang_

1. I refer to the disgusting speech given by the Deputy Chief Minister - 2 of Penang, Profesor P. Ramasamy last night during his Deepavali Open House celebration. In his speech, Profesor P. Ramasamy challenged the President of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) for a debate on the plight of Indians in this country.

2. Firstly, the words used and the quality of speech given by Profesor P. Ramasamy does not do justice and is a disgrace to the position of Deputy Chief Minister - 2. The language that was used by Profesor P. Ramasamy last night was more like an un-educated person than a leader of the community.

3. Secondly, Professor P. Ramasamy knows that he is on borrowed time. Lim Guan Eng does not trust him anymore and to make himself (Ramasamy) relevant to his party leadership, he wants to debate with the MIC President to gain some political mileage. Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam is a recognised dermatologist and the Minister of Health who is well known in the World Health Organization (WHO). I don't think Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramanian should entertain this low class Deputy Chief Minister - 2 of Penang and give him (Ramasamy) the glory of debating with the MIC President.

4. Thirdly, we in MIC of course do not want to disappoint Professor P. Ramasamy. Since he is so desperate for a debate, the  MIC Batu Kawan Division Chairman Mr.Ramalingham is ready to debate with Profesor P. Ramasamy on the issue affecting the Indian community in Batu Kawan parliament and Perai state seat before we go on to the federal Indian issues. This is more relevant to the state and the people of Penang.

5. Profesor P. Ramasamy would just need to confirm the date and time that he is available for the debate and i will make all the necessary arrangements for the debate session. In fact, i will also bear all the cost for this debate so that the people of Batu Kawan, Perai and Penang in general can witness first hand how the Penang government has treated the Indians in this state.


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